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Hemp Accessories

Hempshopper’s accessories are all made with natural hemp fiber, taken from the stalks of the cannabis plant. Our collection consists of stylish got-to-haves, made from beautiful materials such as 100% pure hemp textiles and lush blends, sustainable hemp composites, or even hemp plush.

Natural and organic fibers become more and more popular since we have more eye for the environment. We therefore strive to make the whole world know about hemp. For hemp specifically is an naturally eco-friendly raw material because growing it needs less energy than most other fibers. It also produces less carbon and therefore creates less pollution than many other forms of manufacturing.

And we have known about this wonder plant for ages: the oldest relics of human industry are bits of Hemp fabric discovered in tombs dating back to approximately 8000 B.C.

People thus have used the fibers of hemp for the production of various utensils for thousands of years. Hemp made rope and sail, textiles and clothing, filling of cushions, paper and canvasses for painting, etc. New applications even include the use of hemp in composites, building material, and cosmetics. Do you want green but durable material? Hemp is the way to go!

Cannabis fibers are strong and durable yet soft and pleasant to the touch. Moreover, hemp stuff lasts very long.  Discover how hemp accessories are the better alternative and comprise some of the most sought-after personal items and wanna haves. So, check it out, because hemp makes you look good!


Showing 1–12 of 77 results