8000 - 7000 BCE: The first sign of people using hemp

8000 – 7000 BCE: The first sign of people using hemp

8000 - 7000 BCE: The first sign of people using hemp The Columbia History of the World states that the ...
7.000 BCE: Earliest sample of clothing ever found

7.000 BCE: Earliest sample of clothing ever found

7.000 BCE: Earliest sample of clothing ever found. Catalhoyuc is one of the most important archaeological sites in the world ...
4000 BCE: The earliest well-documented evidence of cannabis use

4000 BCE: The earliest well-documented evidence of cannabis use

4000 BCE: The earliest well-documented evidence of cannabis use. The earliest well-documented evidence of cannabis use is from China, where ...
>3.000 BCE: Proof Psychoactive Cannabis

>3.000 BCE: Neolithic cave dwellers use cannabis for psychoactive effects

>3.000 BCE: Neolithic cave dwellers use cannabis for psychoactive effects . In the area of the Hindu Kush mountains, on ...
2700 BCE: Shennong pen Ts'ao Describes Cannabis

2700 BCE: Shennong pen Ts’ao first describes uses of cannabis

2700 BCE: Shennong pen Ts'ao first describes cannabis and some of its uses. Shennong pen Ts'ao king is a Chinese ...
2300 BCE: Beaker culture uses cannabis in The Netherlands

2300 BCE: Beaker culture uses cannabis in The Netherlands

2300 BCE: Beaker culture uses cannabis in The Netherlands. In 2007, archaeologists discovered a late Neolithic grave attributed to the ...
1800 BCE: Ancient Egyptian magic spells require cannabis to work (Ramesses II)

1800 BCE: Ancient Egyptian magic spells require cannabis

1800 BCE: Ancient Egyptian magic spells require cannabis Popular belief suggests that a famous 4500-year-old ship, found back in pristine ...
2300 - 1700 BCE: The Oxus Civilization uses ephedra and cannabis in their rituals

2300 – 1700 BCE: The Oxus Civilization uses ephedra and cannabis in their rituals

2300 - 1700 BCE: The Oxus Civilization uses ephedra and cannabis in their rituals. The Bactria–Margiana Archaeological Complex (or BMAC, ...
c.1550 BCE: The Ebers Papyrus from Ancient Egypt describes medical cannabis

c.1550 BCE: The Ebers Papyrus from Ancient Egypt describes medical cannabis

c.1550 BCE: The Ebers Papyrus from Ancient Egypt describes medical cannabis. The Ebers Papyrus (named after the German egyptologist who ...