CBD 101

CBD 101
Hemp is famous for many things and most people know about THC. But the hemp plant has so much more to offer! As you clearly know because you’re here reading this. Take CBD, for example.
CBD (cannabidiol) is a chemical substance naturally found in cannabis. It is studied for its potential role in easing symptoms of many common health issues. Therefore, many people use CBD in their daily life. Part of its popularity stems from it being completely legal, non-psychoactive, and not addictive. This way, anyone can reap the benefits of hemp without feeling high.
As said, hemp produces cannabidiol naturally. It is one of 113 identified cannabinoids in the hemp plant and was discovered in 1940. CBD constitutes for a large part of the cannabinoids since about 40% of the cannabinoids in hemp is CBD.
Of course, you have heard of the better known cannabinoid in hemp, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). THC is the stuff that gets you high, after all, and CBD does not. Besides, research suggests that CBD even reduces some effects of THC, such as drowsiness, when highly dosed. However, CBD is helpful with al lot of other things. We get back to that in a minute.
When isolated and at room temperature, cannabidiol is a colorless crystalline solid. This crystal is easily added to many carriers to enjoy its benefits. For example to oils, tinctures, jellies, sweets, gum and drinks. Moreover, for people not wanting to ingest anything, there are products such as topical creams, body soaps and ointments. This is a very handy way of taking cannabidiol since our skin absorbs CBD effortlessly.
Also, safety studies show that most people tolerate cannabidiol very well. In addition, CBD does not have a known toxicity level so an overdose is unlikely. This is good news because now many people reap its various benefits without any problems!
CBD Appears Very Beneficial
Some manufacturers claim indefensible things, such as that CBD is a cure-all for several severe diseases, which it is not. However, research shows that cannabidiol can be beneficial with many, many things. For example, studies suggest that cannabidiol may offer relief for chronic pain. Even for both musculoskeletal and nerve pain. However, some results say that cannabidiol works best for nerve pain when combined with a little THC. Please, find that out for yourself. But mind you, none of our products contain any THC.
Moreover, some evidence suggest that CBD helps with both falling asleep and staying asleep. It may also be anti-inflammatory, nerve protective and a muscle relaxant. In addition, a number of studies show that cannabidiol helps against seizures. It would furthermore inhibit fear and sooth anxiety. And it also seems to help against nausea and possibly with rheumatoid arthritis.
However, we at Hempshopper are not doctors, we did not perform these studies and we do not know anything about (your) personal circumstances. That is whay we ask you to please do your (medical) research when turning to CBD.
Choosing Your CBD Products
So many great products! How to choose!? Of course, the simplest way is to get a product you already use, but now awesomely infused with premium CBD. For example, if wellness normally is your thing, fill up your bathroom cabinets with the luscious and large collection of body care and wellness products. No disappointments there! Or if you are a foodie, replace some regular items with CBD products such as the flour you use, for example. This way you effortlessly enjoy all the cannabidiol benefits daily without even changing a thing in your routine!
However, when you want to really focus on the CBD and its effects, this is the way to go about it. Firstly, CBD works best when used in a curative way. Start with a lower dose or percentage and build up if needed. So get a product you can accurately increase such as an oil or tablet and increase the dose by a drop or tablet to find out your precise dose. This may differ any moment of the day, by the way. When you know how much cannabidiol you need, you buy the products suited to your needs.
Quick Relief or Longlasting Effect
Furthermore, you could say that there are two other main differences between CBD products: the speed of delivery and how long the effects last. How is that? Because ingesting CBD through the digestive track by taking a capsule takes longer than, say, dripping some CBD oil under the tongue and letting it dissolve there. The speed of delivery thus is faster when taking for example an oil or jelly.
However, a rule of thumb is, the faster the speed of delivery the shorter the effect lasts. For example, while sucking on an oil or sweet the body absorbs CBD in the mouth with enzymes after about half an hour. The effect then lasts about two to three hours. And when eating or drinking cannabidiol, it takes up to two hours to fully digest all CBD but than the effect also lasts up to four or five hours.
So what’s the lesson here? For fast relief choose an edible which stays in the mouth such as candy or a tincture, or a topical cream, for example. Need to feel secure that your relief will last through a large part the day? Let your digestive track do its thorough work and feel centered and empowered for a much longer time.
Sports and Cannabinoids
Cannabinoids are prohibited in competition. CBD, however, is not. Even though not yet specifically established by a lot of research, a lot of athletes use CBD, as seen in the media. By eating CBD infused foods and drinks for a higher focus, for example. They also say they benefit from cannabidiol as pain relief. Some head-injured players even experience an improvement of neurological symptoms and quality of live, by using CBD. In addition, CBD does not show up in drug tests if the used product is of a pure quality, such as Hempshopper offers.
Cannabidiol and Animals
There has been limited research on the use of CBD in animals. However, some research suggests that even animals may benefit from CBD. Its uplifting effect improves the well-being of your animal, for example. However, some say that cats handle CBD differently so be advised.
The described effects in animals correspond to those in humans. These include pain management, anti-inflammatory uses and controlling seizures. Since CBD has no known toxicity level an overdose in your animal is unlikely. But please consult your veterinarian when incorporating cannabidiol in the routine of your loving friend. Also, beware to buy cannabidiol products free of THC since THC does appear to be toxic for animals. A reminder, Hempshopper’s CBD products are THC free.
Enjoy Your Cannabidiol Benefits Wisely
Hempshopper beliefs that the best way to keep a healthy body and a clear mind is to follow nature’s path. That is why we are at the forefront of the development and innovation of this amazingly propitious substance. Over the past decade, we gathered a prime collection of certified, delectable, and easy-to-use CBD products. Moreover, we did this all together with some of Europe’s most reputable CBD producing companies and brands.
What a joy to be able to treat yourself to so many varying excellent products and reap all these awesome benefits so easily! Cannabidiol just is a natural wonder chemical.
But incorporate CBD in your live gradually. And remember, any changes in your dietary routine may result in (temporary) side-effects. By the way, if you (think you) suffer from a aforementioned issue, please, consult your doctor as well to get a proper diagnosis, possible needed allopathic treatment, and/or supportive care. Also, do your research if you already take a lot of different medications, just to be sure. We are nowhere near finished researching CBD, and better be safe than sorry, no? In addition, research on cannabidiol and being pregnant or breast feeding has not been thoroughly done yet. Be advised. And enjoy!
Many High-Quality Products at Hempshopper
Our CBD products thus are of the highest quality. Besides the pure cannabidiol crystals, we offer many different strengths of organic concentrates and oils. We also have an extensive line of soothing personal care products and a wide range of drinks and edibles. These edibles include handy capsules, chewable tablets, drops, and chewing gum, and also all kinds of delicious candy, chocolate, coffee, teas, and soft drinks. All these products are made with certified cannabidiol so that every portion is reliable and precisely dosed.
Cannabidiol improves your life and we offer so many choices that you find your preferred CBD products at Hempshopper for sure. Check out our very large collection now!
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